b'AI + HUMANITYSYNDEO INSTITUTE PULSE SURVEYUnderstanding the AIImpact on CXSyndeo Institute conducted a critical survey of connectivity industry leaders and influencers to understand how organizations are investing in GenAI to reshape CX. HERES A HIGH-LEVEL LOOK AT WHAT WE LEARNED:Investing for Impact. Varying Stages of Transformation. Companies are increasing investment in AI, andConnectivity leaders are looking for creative ways leaders believe the impact on CX will be extensiveto keep up with the pace of AI innovation and are in the coming years. identifying collaborative ways to navigate it.92% TODAY, ONLY 31%of connectivity industryof companies have adoption influencers believe AI willefforts categorized as strategic or have a high impact on CX better: leadership driven, across each function, and optimized. WITHIN 12 MONTHS69% 62%of connectivity companiesof companies anticipate achieving expect an increased the minimum strategic stage.investment in AIPeople First.Optimism Abounds. The top concern among leaders is how toConnectivity leaders are excited about what AI equip their peoplethrough external learningmeans for our industry and are ready to embrace and development, as well as creating internalthe opportunities for improved CX.toolsto leverage AI potential.INVESTMENT#1 OPPORTUNITY: #1 PRIORITY: EMPOWER CX TEAMS TO WORK EQUIP TEAMS MORE PRODUCTIVELYPATH TO DEVELOP #1 EXPERTISE: BUILD INTERNAL LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS88'