b'AI + HUMANITYWhere technology and compassion intersect.Technology is the driver behind change in our industry, but we know the spark comes from people. As the AI landscape matures and changes, we cover the topics that will teach leaders how and when to invest in AI while staying people focused.Empathy in the WorkplaceEach of these areas can leverage data, AI, and technology to clearly and consistently define where human engagement and Matters More Than Ever interpretation is needed. This must drive relatable and relevant solutions and answers for employees and customers. This is where winning with emotion and compassion can happen. In todays world, technology or AI seems to be the go-to for all thingsordering coffee, booking travel,Please note, that not all interactions need humans. Yet, using social and professional meetings, doctors appoint- data, technology, and insight interpretation to identify the ments, getting advice, and so many other items. Whiletypes of interactionsthe point to engage humans in interac-deemed powerful, convenient, and smart, thetions or to have pure human interactionsis important. mass influence of AI, technology, and data usage is cre-ating a universe of impersonal, non-human interactions. It also brings to light that customers and employees are starved for the core of relationshipsemotional,.empathy, empowerment, and empathetic, and relevant interactions.communications rank as top drivers Insights from employee engagement studies consistentlyof highly committed (Read: valuable show that, among other areas, empathy, empowerment, andand productive) employees.communications rank as top drivers of highly committed (Read: valuable and productive) employees. The Employee-Custom-er-Profit, i.e., Happy employees - make happy customers - make you more money also suggests that at the employee andThe service element of solving a problem or answering customer level, empathy and understanding needs are crucialquestions with human context, emotions, context clues, and to success, where success is defined as engagement continu- relatability are all items that are very difficult for any leader or ation as well as profitability. A research report conducted bybusiness to solve. The approach should be iterative and agile Symmetrics Marketing Corporation in the early 2000s showedto evolve with business needs, seasonality, and employee roles. a five-point improvement in employee engagement led to aA balance of AI and technology pointing to issues or possible three-point increase in Customer Loyalty and a three-percentsolutions with interpretation and understanding from humans increase in revenues. will undoubtedly lead to more bountiful, deeper relationships with customers and employees alike. Understanding the situational context and stresses of custom-ers AND employees gives light to needed empathy. Yet para-mount to all of this is doing something about itthe So what? Graham TuttonFounder and Lead Advisor | It is not new news that Product Reliability, Service, and PriceGTT & Associatesare often top drivers (not in order) of customer NPS, satisfac- Graham Tutton has 30 years of award-winning tion, or loyalty. But that information coupled with balancingcustomer and employee experience lead-human-based service (empathetic) and AI, data, technolo- ership in media and other service industries. gy-based service is where businesses must get betterfast. Using customer, employee, product, and market signals he has defined, developed, and implemented strategies and systems to evolve Service has historically been supported by humans solvingclients to customer centric, revenue producing problems, answering questions, and driving sales and retention.businesses. Graham is a member of the Syndeo Reliability and Price are key triggers of Service interactions. Institute CX Collaborative.66'