b'INDUSTRYData-Informed EngagementThe implementation of advanced network monitoring, data analyt-ics, machine learning, and AI has created an increasingly intelligent FOREWORD:network that enables Charter to proactively address issues before our customers are impacted. Should a customer have a need to contact us, we leverage our network, customer, and product data Our industry has a strong legacy of innovation andto predict their needs. This streamlines the conversation by deter-has reinvented itself time and again. But at themining why a customer is calling and provides our agents with the same time, we have missed the opportunity for ourrecommended next best action as soon as they answer the call. products and customer service to be fully appre- While these efforts allow us to operate more efficiently through ciatedfor sometimes perceived but often realreduced call volume and lower truck rollsthe primary benefit is service issues. Whether through the cable guyto the customer.jokes or listening to family members experience with their service, these reminders have fueled aFrom product design and development to our network capabilities, collective desire for change and to make the cablethe entire user experience is informed by and created from the cliches a thing of the past.customers perspective. Our network evolution is bringing gigabit symmetrical and multi-gigabit speeds everywhere we operate. We were the first to launch a truly converged gigabit wired and Its easy to be excited about our industry today wireless connectivity experience with Spectrum One. And last increasingly we provide our customers seamlessyear, we completely redefined the video product for Spectrum connectivity paired with a holistic approach tocustomers: first, with the launch of Xumo as part of a national service that enables us to consistently exceed theirjoint venture. Then, we worked with programmers to create a new expectations. With the speed of technological,business model that provided more product integration and choice network, product, and workforce advancements,at a better value.including the rapid introduction of new artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning tools andCustomer-First Mindsetapplications, now more than ever our industry isWe arent perfectbut when issues arise, we address them with equipped to ensure an unmatched user experience.a customer-first culture where we do the right thing. Recently a customer emailed us about a service that wasnt performing up to theirand frankly ourexpectations. As a result, we proactively reached out to all customers with that service to personally let them know they would receive credit for that service until the At Charter, we view everything from the customers perspec- issue was fixed. tive. Not how we want them to use our products and services, but how they want to engage with our products and services. Are we making their experience better, are we doing the right thing by this customer? Living a customer-focused culture doesnt happen overnight. It is an We are a national company with local roots, embedded in the communities we serve. Our employees, family, and friends enterprise-wide effort to keep these are our customers. Most companies say they are focused on the customer. But the truth lies in whats behind that state- pushing forward, improving, and ment and how it is backed up every day. anticipating what comes next.Customer-Focused Culture Living a customer-focused culture doesnt happen overnight. We began laying the groundwork years ago: investing in ourIt may be clich, but our reputation with the customer is only as employees, tools and processes, our network and productsallgood as their last interaction with us. The entire organization must with the customer front of mind. It is an enterprise-wide effortbe unified in its customer focus. We invest in our people, network, to keep pushing forward, improving, and anticipating whattools, and processes to make sure we provide an experience worthy comes next. of our employees, family, and friends: our customers.First, we needed a workforce that was 100% U.S.-based and in- Thanks to an enduring entrepreneurial spirit, we are well on our house. And we have that today. Next, we launched programs toway to reinventing ourselves as a consumer-driven industry. It will strategically invest in our employees through increased startingbe our advancements and ability to empower every experience wages, new training that went beyond technical learning andthat will deliver our customers the promise of tomorrow.focused on improving customer service, additional advance-ment opportunities to grow with the company, tuition-free education, and comprehensive health benefits. Today, CharterChris Winfreyis a place to build a long-lasting career and retention is at an all- President and CEO I time high. Having longer-tenured employees, and the advan- Charter Communicationstage of their experience, has a direct and positive impact on our workforce and the level of service we provide our customers.Christopher Winfrey has played a significant role in Charters growth and transformation over the To deliver superior service to customers, our employees needlast decade. He is valued for innate strategic insight the right tools and processes in place to monitor and maintainand keen market and industry awareness to drive our network and enable us to engage with our customers howorganizational performance. In 2015, he received The and when they want, and on the platforms of their choice. WeInternet & Television Associations (NCTA) Vanguard do this through decades of proven results combined with theAward for Young Leadership, a nod to the entrepre-latest technologies.neurs and innovators that built the industry.4 4'