b'SPECIAL EDITION: CX JOURNALIMPACT IN ACTIONElevating CXSUTHERLANDGLOBAL.COMPLAY VIDEODoug Gilbert CHALLENGEChief Digital Officer & CIO | Sutherland Integrating fragmented brand environments for the worlds fastest-growing streaming media company Doug Gilbert is the Chief Informationto enhance operational efficiencies and deliver Officer and Chief Digital Officer atsuperior experiences.Sutherland where he has been at the helm of all technology functions, digitalSOLUTIONplatforms, IT services, product develop- Sutherland employed a HiTL (Human-in-the-Loop) ment, and technology partnerships. Asmodel with a three-pronged strategyautomate, a seasoned leader in digital transforma- augment, analyzeachieving significant automa-tion, Doug plays a pivotal role in clienttion, reducing handle times, and elevating customer relationship management and solutionsatisfaction, while driving continuous improvement architecture, leveraging his extensiveand generating impactful insights.expertise to drive innovation and deliver measurable business outcomes.2024 Intrapreneurship & Innovation Report17'