b'INTRAPRENEURIAL IMPACTInnovation as a responsibility.Intrapreneurs empower experience with a collection of tools: leadership, agility, flexibility, and collaboration. We believe every employee benefits from intrapreneurial thinking and every organization has a duty to innovate and embrace change. Madalina Suceveanu discusses industry transformation and innovation during the 2023 Network X in Paris, France.VIEWPOINT:How will the digital transformation redefine what we TECHNOLOGY understand as customer experience in the next five years?Digital transformation is changing the position of telcos incustomer care effectiveness, employee collaboration, the ecosystem and how we, and our employees, work andcustomer journeys simplification, and the way customers engage with our customers, industry peers, and those whointeract with and use our services, creating customizable in-have traditionally been considered disruptors or purely ashome and mobile on-the-move experiences that truly fulfill vendors. the needs and wants of individual customers.The acceleration of digital, automation, and self-service, along with the emergence of Network-as-a-service (NaaS),Madalina Suceveanuare enabling superior product flexibility and customizationManaging Director, Mobile and to enterprise and consumer needs, making our networksCloud | Liberty Globalusable by applications well beyond the traditional commu- Madalina Suceveanu is responsible for nications space.developing Liberty Globals technology strategy and its investments in mobile NaaS is also adding on who we perceive as the customer,and cloud technologies. Madalina is with a two-sided market emerging with developers as theon Telenets Board of Directors and customer for APIs, needing advocacy and engagement at ahas served on the boards of Vodafone Ireland Foundation and Orange Foun-different level. dation. In 2017 she was recognized by Silicon Republic as one of the worlds top This change in what we can sell is unlocking wider collabo- 25 female leaders in technology. rations, for example Liberty Global and AWS, where auto-mation, API exposure, and AI-based solutions are improving 2024 Intrapreneurship & Innovation Report21'