b'AI + HUMANITYTrust Fuels GrowthWith AI innovation, trust provides both a protection against risk and a pathway to growth. While our research and Adoption for Newconducted across January-May 2024 finds trust declines as AI tools are introduced, organizations and brands Innovation with higher workforce and customer trust are buffered from those declines; trust leaders see up to a third less of Its no secret Generative AI (GenAI) and other innovationsthis decline compared to those lagging in trust. On the are rapidly changing customers relationship with tech- growth side, when trust is high, workers and customers nology. Deloitte has spent the last four years analyzingsupport adoption, ultimately expanding an innovations customer and workforce trust across 30+ million dataserviceable obtainable market and increasing its value.points and multiple contexts. Our latest findings have focused on this pivotal moment for AI advances. HeresHow can you get started? Consider trust as a key compo-what weve seen. nent of the AI journey. Leverage TrustID to: (1) Prioritize where to invest in AI, with trust, business value, and Companies are heavily investing in AI to unlock value andtechnical feasibility as key considerations; (2) Design AI drive innovation, with $300 billion in global AI investmentsolutions, analyzing trust with potential users to inform in 2023 alone. Yet, AI investments have limited successkey design features; and (3) Encourage adoption of AI rates, due in large part to insufficient trust.throughout deployment, understanding trust levels with potential users to inform cultural readiness and change management strategies.Given this, its important to move beyond the if we build it, they will come mentality. As intrapreneurs and innovation leaders develop AI tools, they need toEmily Wernerconsider both technical feasibility and human factorsSenior Manager | Deloitte Digitaldriving adoption. Successful AI transformations requireEmily Werner oversees the Deloitte not just trustworthy machines but also trusting humansConsulting Enterprise Trust platform leveraging the machines.where she is responsible for managing both internal and external trust research and projects. Having spent most of her What does trust look like? Weve analyzed trustscareer focused on enhancing experi-building blocks, which we call the Four Factors of Trust:ence, Emily brings a human-centered humanity, transparency, capability, and reliability.design approach to (re)building trust.Together, they make up a ground-breaking platform called TrustID TM , which measures and helps organiza- Ryan Yourations target actions to build trust. Consider all aspects ofManager | Deloitte DigitalAI contributing to building trust, including empatheticRyan Youra serves as the program manag-user engagement and societal impact (humanity), clearer for the Deloitte Consulting Enterprise sharing of data sources (transparency), technical qualityTrust platform, leading the science/re-(capability), and consistently valuable delivery (reliability).search behind trust and supporting clients in strengthening trust with customers, partners, and the workforce. Focused on customer strategy and innovation, Ryan drives initiatives to enhance experiences Successful AI transformationsand key touchpoints for growth.require not just trustworthymachines but also trusting humans leveraging the machines.2024 Intrapreneurship & Innovation Report7'