b'INTRAPRENEURIAL IMPACTINSIDERHow do successful teams respond in times PERSPECTIVE of uncertainty or volatility?MCTV is a mid-sized company with a relatively flat organi- When team members can point to something and say zation so were well-positioned to pivot and come up withI helped make that, its an additional point of pride new solutions quickly. Above all, we go the extra smileand more fully invests them in our success.for our customers, our #1 priority. Everyone at MCTV is focused on taking care of our customers, which makes itKatherine Gessnermuch easier to be nimble when a situation arises. WhenPresident | MCTVa storm rolls through, it may impact immediate priorities.Katherine Gessner is the President of But taking care of our customers in those moments is theMCTV located in Massillon, Ohio. Prior top priority and everything else comes second. to her current role, Gessner served as MCTVs Vice President of strategic We also encourage our teams to share ideas and run withplanning and Director of sales and them (within reason, of course). Some of our best ideasmarketing. She is the granddaughter have been borne out of necessitybuilding reportingof MCTV founders, Richard and Susan metrics that no one offered off-the-shelf, developingGessner, and the third generation to tools to make construction easier, getting creative withwork at the family-owned company. grassroots marketing, and the list goes on! INSIDERHow do successful teams respond in times PERSPECTIVE of uncertainty or volatility?Uncertainty often arises during large changes within ourStep 4 - Alignment: We ensure outcomes align with organization. In our fast-paced industry, timely pivots andour mission of serving the community in a trusted and implementations are crucial. Quick changes bring lessonsvalued way. Aligning with our brand helps teams feel learned, requiring our team to be nimble. We focus on fiveconnected and confident.steps to aid our teams in being successful through change.Step 5 - Celebrate Success: Celebrate wins! Acknowl-Step 1 - Preparation: Avoid the costly mistake of fakingedge lessons learned and show appreciation to boost it till you make it. Instead, gather diverse perspectivesteam morale before the next change.for preparation. Smaller companies may find this easier as teams arent siloed. We may not think of everything, butNicole Winingerwe can build a solid foundation for change. Director of Customer Care Operations | Blue Ridge Step 2 - Allow Time to Absorb Change: Its understand- Communicationsable for teams to become anxious when change occurs.Nicole Wininger is Director of Encourage professional dialogue to ease transitions. I oftenCustomer Care Operations at say Nothing is permanent until it worksso lets try itBlue Ridge Communications, an first! Allow grace periods and invest in training to helpindependent operator innovating teams feel prepared. in the industry since 1950 as one of the original cable pioneers in Northeastern Pa. Nicole serves on Step 3 - Evaluate & Refine: Admit mistakes and be readythe Advisory Council dedicated to adjust. Involve teams in solution-focused discussionsto shaping the future impact of and rely on data to evaluate changes. Be willing to pivotSyndeo Institute on the industry.yet stay focused on the goal.2024 Intrapreneurship & Innovation Report23'