b'CLOSING REMARKSInvest in PeopleOne of my favorite things about this industry is theYour most valuable employees are those who people behind it. Its the pride they show in their work,are with you the longest, and have good tenure. in being part of something larger than themselves,Generally, they have a better-quality work product and in working together to connect and best servealong with a better employee experience. the customer. I spend a considerable amount of time traveling across our footprint visiting our teams and itEach major business unit has a learning organi-is clear that the quality of people behind our productszation that manages and maintains role-specific and service, from our newest employees to our mosttraining for employees, from new hires to directors. tenured, directly corresponds to our success both as aOur Corporate Learning organization supports company and an industry. broader, cross-functional learning initiatives with tools, resources, and technology infrastructure. The career progressionBy leveraging this learning model, employees are immersed in role-based training whether in field model is very important tooperations, customer operations, sales, or other roles. This approach increases agility for our busi-us. We approach this withness units to quickly train employees on specific intentionality, consistency,tools or skills as needs evolve, while our corporate function supports enterprise-wide tools, processes, and predictability so thatand leadership programs for the broader organiza-every employee understandstions needs.how their success becomesBy investing in the long-term development of our our success.employees, we are not only enhancing the work experience for our team, but also ensuring that our customers receive the best possible service. Each customer interaction is a chance to make a positive Attracting, developing, and retaining a highly skilledconnection and put the company in a different workforce is critical to successfully executing alight which is the keystone of what we do every customer focused operating strategy. This belief isday. If as an industry we look to Empower Every reflected in our values and in the investments weExperience, we must never forget that the quality make. It is critical that our employees are providedof the customer experience, is a direct result of the opportunities to grow, learn, and become expertsquality of our workforce. in their field. The career progression model is very important to us. We approach this with intentionality, consistency, and predictability so that every employeeTom Monaghanunderstands how their success becomes our success.Executive Vice President, By providing significant opportunities for job trainingField Operations | Charter and advancement, our employees develop the skills Strengths-Basedfoundational to building a long and successful career.CommunicationsLeadershipBy investing in the continuous development of our workforce, we directly improve the quality of service and support provided to our customers. For me and the Field Operations team that means making sureTom Monaghan is Executive Vice President, our teams are expertly trained to build, manage, andField Operations at Charter Communications. He maintain our network, and provide fast, reliable, andoversees the entire Field Operations organization comprehensive service when performing an installincluding Charters 11 field regions operating or repair.across 41 states; engineering and construction, including Charters previously announced $5 billion Rural Digital Opportunity Fund expansion; supply At Charter we provide employees opportunity to ad- chain management; business planning; standards vance and grow successful careers. An employee canand compliance; and human resources for field move around, move up, or move to a different marketoperations.in one of the 41 states where we have a presence. 2024 Intrapreneurship & Innovation Report25'