b'SPECIAL EDITION: CX JOURNALCX JOURNALA foundationof connectivity.CX is the keystone of every decision we make, and our collective expertise can become yours. This special supplementCX Journalshowcases best practices, current trends, survey results, and testimony about how organizational efforts in CX are blazing trails. TransformingIn line with the theme Empower Every Experience, our industry needs to continue to be on the forefront of CX Transactions innovation. This starts with equipping frontline teams with the right tools and knowledge to engage meaningfully with In todays rapidly evolving business and technology environ- customers. Whether through AI-driven insights that help ment, delivering exceptional customer service and seam- with tailored solutions or intuitive interfaces that simplify less experiences stand out as major factors contributing totransactions, technology empowers employees to deliver success. Its no longer about meeting customer expectationsimpactful customer service that goes beyond routine.but exceeding them consistently in ways that leave a lasting impression. Why is this so crucial? Because in an intercon- Human-centricity ensures that amidst digital advance-nected world where choices are plentiful, customers arements, the core of customer interactionunderstanding, increasingly discerning about their preferences. empathy, and responsivenessremains intact. Customers want to feel valued and understood, not just processed As part of this years Intrapreneurship & Innovation Report,through automated systems. This human touch transforms Syndeo Institute has curated the inaugural edition of its CXtransactions into relationships, where trust and satisfaction Journal to capture best practices and thought leadershipflourish.specific to our industry. It is a critical topic to focus on with the aim to showcase how great CX lies in seamlessly blendingLooking ahead, as technology continues to evolve, so technology with human-centric approaches.too will the ways we enhance customer experiences. The challenge lies in harnessing innovation while preserving the essence of what makes interactions meaningful. By embracing both technological prowess and human-centric By embracing bothvalues, businesses can truly empower every experience, technological prowess andensuring that each customer feels valued, understood, and eager to return. This will drive future business success and human-centric values,enrich the lives of our customers in ways that extend far businesses can truly empowerbeyond the everyday transaction.every experience. Guillermo Ponce Senior Vice President | Liberty Latin AmericaTechnology offers the tools to streamline processes, person- Guillermo Ponce is responsible for oversee-alize interactions, and anticipate needs. Yet, its the humaning the strategy and operational perfor-touch that adds warmth, empathy, and a genuine connection.mance of Liberty Latin Americas operations This combination brings together efficiency and emotion,in Costa Rica, playing a key role for its resulting in memorable interactions that foster loyalty andjoint venture in Chile, and guiding broader business development efforts across Central brand advocacy. and South America. Guillermo is member of several boards including Cable & Wireless Panama and Syndeo Institute. 2024 Intrapreneurship & Innovation Report11'