b'INTRAPRENEURIAL IMPACTPIVOTING WITH PURPOSEHow successful teams respond in times of uncertainty or volatility.In a fast-changing environment, nimble leaders go further. Strong leaders know how to plan for success, but its another challenge entirely to be prepared for the unexpectedand to be able to spot and harness the opportunity it presents. Independent operators have a unique approach to staying nimble and agile, to quickly assess and address the unexpected.We tapped several executives in our CX Collaborative to give us their perspectives on pivoting with purpose, turning unplanned change into unexpected opportunity. INSIDERHow do successful teams respond in times PERSPECTIVE of uncertainty or volatility?As an independent operator and mid-sized com- Joseph Rysavypany, Midco has the flexibility to adapt to changingDirector of Marketing Strategy market conditions and customer needs. Midco team& Analytics | Midcomembers are encouraged to make decisions, testJoseph Rysavy currently oversees Mid-new ideas, and learn from failure. Given its Goldi- cos customer marketing, prospective locks just right size, Midco is not constrained bycustomer marketing efforts, and the ef-bureaucracy or rigid processes, but is large enoughfectiveness of Midcos marketing efforts. to make a positive impact on the Midwest. Midco isJoseph joined the Midco team in April focused on aligning actions with its mission, vision,2018 as Business Product Manager after and valuesand, when necessary, pivoting withworking in various marketing and finance purpose.roles at Comcast Business in Chicago. When faced with uncertainty, Midco relies on our strong culture of collaboration and communication.Bob Bartelt Whether facing a global pandemic or economicSr. Director of Customer crisis, Midco team members can make decisionsExperience Operations | Midcowith purpose and passion. Teams are empoweredAs Sr. Director of Customer Experience to be creative, proactive, and resilient when facingOperations, Bob Bartelt leads the day-to-day a challenge. We believe that being an independentoperations of all residential customer support operator gives us a competitive edge in innovationgroups, training team, operations analytics and acceleration.and optimization, and collections team. Bob is a member of the Syndeo Institute Advisory Council. 64% Companies with a strong culture of intra- 50% Companies embracing intrapreneurship preneurship are 64% more likely to haveare 50% more likely to outperform their higher employee engagement. (Gallup)peers in industry profitability. (McKinsey)2222'