b'SPECIAL EDITION: CX JOURNALINSIDERWhat three questions should teams ask themselves PERSPECTIVE when ideating or innovating something new?This foundational question is not new, but it is as relevantFinally, I would urge my team to ask How will we today as ever: What is the customer need we are solvingmeasure success from the customers perspective?for and how can we do that using current technologies?Establishing clear metrics and feedback mecha-Considering GenAI and how it can be a game changernisms is essential for evaluating the effectiveness when applied to improving the customer experience, weof any innovation. This question prompts teams to should continuously remind ourselves that technology is athink about what meaningful data they will gather means to an end, not an end in itself. Of course, we need toand analyze in real-time. Additionally, leveraging ensure that CX innovation leverages the latest tech, suchbig data and machine learning can help identify as AI and machine learningfor example, using AI to offerpatterns and insights to continuously improve the personalized recommendations or predictive analytics tocustomer experience.anticipate customer needs. Understanding how to inte-grate these advancements can enhance the relevance andTina Rodriguezvalue of the innovation.Vice President of Customer Experience | Liberty GlobalAnother question should be What is the customer journey, and how does this innovation improve it with aTina Rodriguez is an experienced leader and manager in digital seamless omnichannel experience? entertainment across the complete value chain from This encourages the consideration of an omnichannelcontent sourcing and distribution approach, because providing a consistently excellent expe- to product development, value proposition, and commercial as rience across all channels is still one of the big challenges.well as operational in-life managementin Music, TV/Incorporating technologies like chatbots, virtual assistants,Video, and Mobile Entertainment. and augmented reality (AR) can enhance the customerAt Liberty Global, she drives customer engagement across journey, but they need to be implemented in considerationall customer journeys, of a consistent and integrated experience across touch- touchpoints, and product lines. points, such as mobile apps, websites, and physical stores.Tina is a member of the CX Collaborative Group at Syndeo Institute.2024 Intrapreneurship & Innovation Report15'