b'AI + HUMANITYAI LandscapeONLY10%+ 24% AICX leaders who self-rateof CX practitioners ratewill be key in delivering brand personalizationtheir personalizationpersonalization at scale, capabilities the highestefforts as highlyand even more brands are 2x as likely to achievepersonalized are rating their invest-major revenue growthment in AI as significant for 2024 than in 2023Source: Medallia 2024 State of Personalization Report VIEWPOINT:How will the digital transformation redefine what we ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE understand as customer experience in the next five years?AI will improve customer experience for communicationJennifer Andreoli-Fangservice providers (CSPs) in the next five years. AI canHead of Fixed Networks | analyze customer viewing history and preferences to rec- Amazon Web Services (AWS)ommend relevant content, reducing time spent searching. AI-powered virtual customer assistants can help withAt AWS, Jennifer Andreoli-Fang leads the tasks such as billing and troubleshooting, reducing theglobal cable and telco service provider need for human customer service representatives. AI canstrategy to transform fixed broadband predict and prevent technical issues, proactively addressnetworks and manages a diverse team of them, reducing the likelihood of service interruptionsolutions architects building cloud-na-and improving customer satisfaction. AI can also delivertive 5G networks on AWS. She is the AI/targeted advertising based on viewing habits, generatingML Working Group Vice Chair for SCTE, additional revenue for providers and helping advertisersserves on The WICT Network: Rocky reach desired audiences. By leveraging AI and machineMountain Board of Directors, and is a long-learning, CSPs can deliver personalized, efficient, andtime supporter of Syndeo Institute.seamless experiences that enhance their services value.1010'