b'CLOSING REMARKSGETTING TO CX 3.0: Building the CX JourneyBaseball legend, Satchel Paige, entertained and enlightened us with his words-to-live bysuch as, Dont look back. Something might be gaining on you. In our development of customer experience (CX), Satchels words warn us about relying on the past. Progress is about understanding how the past and the present shape the future.Like every business idea, CX has a past, present, and future. And, while Satchel Pages warning about the past is often true, looking back at CXs history is instructive and shows us how we got to where we are today and where we might go into the future. It is gratifying to see this publication contain so many articles on various areas of CX, identifying issues, documenting how challeng-es are overcome, and expressing optimism for the future. This summary piece looks at the past, present, and future of CX. Using the nomenclature of web development (1.0, 2.0, etc.), the Table below lists five key areas of CX. Certainly, there are more CX areas; however, Ive focused on those most applicable to our industry.CX AREA PAST CX 1.0 PRESENT CX 2.0 FUTURE CX 3.0Diverse acceptance of CXDiverse acceptance of CX CX BusinessTentative acceptance ofBusiness Model; identifica- Business Model; identifica-Model idea and practice tion of CX dimensions andtion of CX dimensions and definition definitionCX certified and/or degreed Converted customerCX staff dedicated to oper- staff; commitment to con-Staffing service reps; minimal CXations, e.g., contact centers,tinuous learning; working training billing, CX measurement across functions; expertise in customer behavior and strategic planningCX totally integrated InternalSilos and cross-functionalthroughout organization; Organization Silo structure teams; chief CX officer absence of silos; adoption of CX is everyones businessCustomers and prospects;CX extension to every Targetinclusion of UserX andstakeholder group that Current, high-valueEmployeeX; expansion to Audiences customers every industry, e.g., PatientX,affects success, e.g.,supply chain, community, financial StudentX, ClientX, FanX, etc. communityTotal integration of all CX CXCustomer satisfactionAddition of Customer Effort,metrics through a single CX Brand Trust, Forgiveness;metric; linking CX metrics to Measurement and NPS measurement of UX and EX financial goals (ROI, market share, brand growth, etc.)Charles Patti, Ph.D.Senior Fellow and Cox Chair | Syndeo InstituteCharles Patti, Ph.D., is the James M. Cox Professor of Customer Experience Management and Senior Fellow at Syndeo Institute. He is one of three Syndeo Institute Senior Fellows advising on topics related to CX, strategic planning, and the day-to-day strategy and management of the CX Collaborative.2626'