b'SPECIAL EDITION: CX JOURNALRuthless in ReliabilityThe annual CX Collaborative Spring Conference provides an opportunity for influencers to roll up their sleeves and work on tackling the top issues impacting CX today. Hosted by Comcast in Philadelphia, Pa., the conference came at a pivotal time as we all find ourselves navigating a rapidly advancing technology landscape and accelerating need for innovative leadership. From the stage, and around the room, discussions were rich with insights and examples of how AI is reshaping the landscape, focusing on reliability, proactive customer engagement, and strategic leadership. Here are some of the key learnings:1 Proactive vs. Reactive4 Building Balanced Customer Service Business CasesCustomers expect seamless connectivity, and anyTo push innovation, building balanced business cases deviation can lead to dissatisfaction. Traditionally,is essential. Scorecards that track financials, growth, companies have excelled at reacting to customerand CX metrics help maintain this balance. Bonuses issues. However, the shift is now towards flippingfocused solely on CX emphasize its importance in the majority of customer interactions to be pro- driving business success.active. They want to be alerted to potential issues before they experience them. AI plays a crucial role here by predicting potential problems and address-ing them before they impact customers.5 Estimating ValueWhen new technology is involved, people often Track One and Trackoverestimate its short-term value and underestimate 2 its long-term impact. Leaders need a balanced view, Two Thinking leveraging AI to deliver both immediate benefits and To win at reliability, leaders must adopt Track Onelong-term strategic advantages.and Track Two thinking. Track One focuses on im-mediate, in-the-moment actions to solve customerAs the technological landscape rapidly advances, issues, while Track Two is about long-term strategycompanies must maintain ruthless reliability, prioritize and planning. Effective leaders need to balance bothproactive engagement, balance short-term actions tracks, ensuring short-term customer needs are metwith long-term strategies, and foster empathetic while also driving long-term strategic goals. leadership to stay competitive. Camilla Formica 3 Strong Leaders Drive StrongChief Program Officer |Customer Experiences Syndeo InstituteTo drive organizational success, companies mustCamilla Formica delivers on Syndeo leverage the power of innovative, empatheticInstitutes mandate to support leaders leadership. Leadership has the power to transformdefining a new era for the industry by leading experiential programs that internal and external customer experiences. Whenempower and embolden innovators. we lead from a place of intrapreneurial spirit andCamilla was recognized as a Cable TV genuine connection, we can empower our teamsPioneer, and serves as president of with the skills and resources to cultivate great cus- WICT Network-Rocky Mountain.tomer interactions.2024 Intrapreneurship & Innovation Report13'