b'EMPOWERMENT AT WORKEMPOWERMENT AT WORKIntrapreneurship building excellence in CX. Driving CX with innovation and agility starts with leaders who think like business owners. Find out how intrapreneurial thinking is impacting CX from the inside out, and get a fresh perspective on leadership. VIEWPOINT:How will the digital transformation redefine what we MEDIA + CONTENT understand as customer experience in the next five years?Digital transformation will materially recast the conceptBusinesses will build rich(er) connections with customers, of CX for all audiences over the next couple of years.driving loyalty and satisfaction to unprecedented levels. Advanced AI and machine learning algorithms will driveThese are exciting times for entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs dynamic customization, thus creating bespoke engage- in big and small businesses alike.ments that anticipate customer needs and desires with unprecedented accuracy. The proliferation of exponentiallyTodd A. Porchmore connected devices will create increased opportunitiesPresident | Strategusfor businesses to drive unique and more personal custom-er connections. These will pave the way for creativity andTodd A. Porch is president of Strategus, a innovation for those that want to stay ahead. Iterating in theDenver-based advertising managed ser-emerging augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)vice company that produces real-time automated campaigns that instantly worlds will be something to keep your finger on.deliver custom, audience-targeted advertising campaigns to connected TVs Additionally, the data and analytics will be easier to access,and other internet-connected devices. which will affect real-time or near real-time decisioning. This transformation and these advancements will not only streamline customer interactions but also create proactive, engaging, and differentiated experiences. Building for the FutureSyndeo Institutes Susie Tomenchok went on location to the FOX Media Center in Tempe, Ariz., for a tour and conversation with FOXs Kelly Miller. She toured the high-tech facility and sat down with Kelly to see how the organization is building for the future. 1818'